Manesh Patel MOOREPilates Story
Manesh Patel With age creeping up on me, I recall my wife, Marti suggesting I give up 5-a-side football, but not sure I was ready to listen, there was still a chance Alex Fergusson might give me a call.Then in 2014 I suffered an injury while playing football resulting in significant disc prolapse in L5S1 […]
Claire Russel MOOREPilates Story
Before having children I’d never had any problems with my back, despite sitting at a desk hunched over a computer screen for over 8 hours every day. I first started experiencing neck and shoulder pain when my twins were 18 months old, which left me unable to move my head, drive or even pick up […]
Kathie Collins MOOREPilates Story
Until I started Pilates sessions with Sam, my fitness regime involved high impact / high energy activity – horse riding, cycling, running, badminton, swimming and other sports that required extensive physical effort. I wasn’t sure whether I would take to the more intense, controlled exercise that comes with Pilates – how wrong was I!! My regular sessions have enabled […]
Wendy Jenner MOOREPilates Story
I played and thoroughly enjoyed tennis for many years (since I was a young girl) and developed a back problem which aggravated me but was kept in check. I suppose it didn’t help having 2 children and subsequently 2 grandchildren, combined with my work being desk work! Anyway, visits to the osteopath lasted for years […]
Orla Palmer MOOREPilates Story
Of course, I should have heeded Sam’s advice when I told her I was taking up running at the ripe old age of 45 – 12 months later I was back in the studio, in tears telling her the orthopedic surgeon recommended a full hip replacement as the only available option for me. I had been diagnosed with […]