Wendy Jenner MOOREPilates Story

I played and thoroughly enjoyed tennis for many years (since I was a young girl) and developed a back problem which aggravated me but was kept in check. I suppose it didn’t help having 2 children and subsequently 2 grandchildren, combined with my work being desk work! Anyway, visits to the osteopath lasted for years and all that was happening was that I was pulled back into shape. 

In August 2015, my SI joint locked without warning and I was in agony as my back muscles went into spasm. I visited a different osteopath who treated it for a few weeks but it wouldn’t stay in place so she suggested that Pilates could help to build up the core body muscles and recommended Sam as she had worked with her and seen for herself the expertise she could offer. 

I started with Sam in November last year, beginning with individual sessions to learn all the techniques and practice the individual exercises that Sam recommended for my condition. As things improved, I was able to join a reformer class in January and also add a cardio tramp class which has been brilliant in building up my stamina. 

I have been given stretching and strengthening exercises by Sam and Gaby, some of which I endeavour to do every day. I have begun to understand a new language… piriformis stretch, spine curl and so on, plus many other things which Sam has taught me through her encyclopaedic understanding of the mechanics of the body!

So where am I now? I have been able to get back on the tennis court, albeit for only small periods of time, but this has been a very positive step for me after a year away from the game I love. I am planning to build up slowly in the weeks and months ahead to get back to be able to play a full game. 

Sam and Moore Pilates has been instrumental in helping me to stabilise my body and whilst I have not quite completed my journey to recovery in full, I am well on the way and certainly travelling down the right road.

Wendy Jenner


Kathie Collins MOOREPilates Story


Orla Palmer MOOREPilates Story